Need to know about us...!

We understand the requirements of the clients comprehensively and ensure to meet their needs and suggest the best possible solutions to set their idea in the right direction.
We understand how important it is to meet customer requirements on time. Raytech Digital Solutions makes an organized plan for creating your website/web development process and we are committed to complete it on time.
We design the client requirment and send to the client for review and get feedback. After client's satisfaction, approved design is developed.
We test the website on several devices like computer and mobile and to make sure it is responsive, user-friendly, and error-free as per requirement.
After making sure that client's website/web application is faultless and it's fulfill all needs, then we deploying it on remote server which is to be available for everyone. if need of any changes we upgrade it. and we also provide maintenance and support.

We deals with ...

  • Integrated Web Solutions
  • Custom Web Application Development
  • Web Designs
  • Web Hosting
  • Domain Name
  • Bulk SMS
  • Internship
Company Existence

The Company Raytech Digital Solutions (RDS) is registred with UDAYAM (Under Ministry of MSME) And this company came into existence in the digital world in April 2021. The registration number is UDYAM-BR-28-0001554

GST Registred

We also registerd with Goods And Service Tax(GST) department of india. Registration Number is 10FQSPS3153R1Z1

ISO Certification

Our company RDS is also ISO Certified company under ISO 9001:2015 (QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM). ISO Certificate No is INQ/BH-6116/0521.